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Who is GoCarma?

Some background information about GoCarma.

Emmett Murphy avatar
Written by Emmett Murphy
Updated over a week ago

GoCarma is the only app that automatically detects and verifies vehicle occupancy.

Developed by Carma Technology Corporation, GoCarma technology has verified millions of passenger trips over the past decade.

Occupancy is in our DNA 

Our mission is to increase car occupancy rates. In the United States, most people get to work by driving alone. In fact, the average car occupancy rate is 1.1 people at peak travel times.

Encouraging people to share their commute is the most impactful option transportation planners have today for reducing congestion, improving local air quality and fighting climate change.

This is why we partner with communities to make it possible to reward HOV travel.

Some of our Projects

Since launching the first ridesharing smartphone app back in 2008, Carma Technology Corporation has pioneered innovative mobility technologies for increasing vehicle occupancy. 

Here's a quick summary:

  • HOV Toll Discounts: enabling drivers to save on tolls by verifying the number of people in their car (e.g. Austin, San Francisco, Dallas).

  • HOV Rewards: enabling drivers to earn in-app rewards for verified HOV commutes on congested commute corridors (e.g. Austin).

  • HOV Parking: providing preferential parking spaces and discounts for verified HOV commutes (e.g. Dallas, San Francisco).

  • Shared Commute Vehicles: we partnered with Toyota to provide a fleet of vehicles for team members to book and share on their commute (Plano, TX).

  • Carsharing:  enabling people to reserve and unlock a fleet of 450 vehicles throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. 

  • Vanpool Reporting: enabling automated reporting of vanpool occupancy (USA).

  • Real-time Ridesharing:  the world's first real-time ridesharing smartphone app (USA).

  • Real-Time Passenger Information: Enabling consumers to view reliable real-time information for transit and shared commute services.

If you'd like to learn more about us, just send us a message in the GoCarma app or contact us here.

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