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Earn More for Your Green Travel

Earn rewards for your HOV trips when using Try Parking It

Katy Linburg avatar
Written by Katy Linburg
Updated over a week ago

GoCarma Users can earn rewards for their carpool trips through Try Parking It, a free program connecting North Texans to environmentally friendly travel options.

Try Parking It, the North Central Texas regional ride-matching and commute tracking website, assists users in locating carpool and vanpool matches along with matching commuters with biking, walking, or transit buddies.

Try Parking It also allows commuters to track their alternative commute activities and receive an estimate of miles saved, trips reduced, harmful emissions reduced, calories burned, and money saved as a result of not driving alone. With every logged alternative commute, website users earn points that can be used to enter contests or purchase rewards.

Rideshare. Record. Reward. Today at

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