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Your GoCarma Account is Suspended
Your GoCarma Account is Suspended

This article explains what to do when your GoCarma account is suspended.

Emmett Murphy avatar
Written by Emmett Murphy
Updated over a week ago

A GoCarma user account is suspended when a user:

  • Has attempted to qualify for HOV status while traveling as a single occupancy vehicle in a TEXpress Lane, perhaps by carrying a 2nd smartphone or leaving an Occupant Pass in the vehicle.

  • Has received multiple notifications within the previous 30 days reminding them of GoCarma Account Suspension policy. 

  • Has not adjusted their use of GoCarma to be in compliance with HOV toll discount policy.

A suspended GoCarma user is ineligible for HOV toll discounts during the account suspension period.

Please note that a GoCarma suspension has no impact on the status of toll tag account. 

Avoiding GoCarma Account Suspensions 

To ensure that your GoCarma account is not suspended, please read this article.

Appealing a GoCarma Account Suspension

To appeal a GoCarma account suspension, please complete this form.  

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